Following my most recent article, I have spent the past few weeks reading numerous Government policy reports, researching community outreach programs and investigating the various commercial platforms which the world of health, fitness & physical activity are built around.
What became quickly apparent to me was that in the UK anyway, where participation of sport for people over the age of 16 has actually decreased since London 2012 is that the current strategy is not working. This is quite shocking really when you think of the money, time and effort that have been put in to various programs in the past few years and furthermore when you consider that the UK had the most iconic and influential global sporting event in their back yard just 4 years ago. What’s clear then is that there must be an underlying issue. There has to be something at the root of this challenge, which needs to be addressed before we are able to get our kids off their screens and back out there moving again!
Before I start to share my thoughts, I would love to hear from you on one simple question.
What is it that is preventing us from enabling our youth to becoming a more physically active generation?
Please leave comments on here directly or on Facebook / Twitter / Linked In or Instagram.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
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